Sunday, May 27, 2007
After 8 years of a failed Labour Administration in Wales, there is finally a glimour of hope following yesterdays Lib Dem vote in favour of a "rainbow coalition" with Plaid and the Tories. But, is this too little too late? Were the Lib Dems really acting in the best interests of Wales when reaching a decision less than 24 hours after the prehistoric Rhodri Morgan was sworn in as First Minister? Following weeks of deliberation, last week we saw Ieuan Jones ready to form a government with the Tories and the Lib Dems. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow was in sight and then Mike German casted another grey cloud and pulled out of the negotiations, the result being a minority Labour Government with no real power, sence or policy to move Wales forward in the bright future it so trully desreves. How could the Lib Dems reach the conclusion that this was a better option for Wales than a dedicated coalition of fresh new policies and misterial responsibility spread across three parties which despite their differences all shared one thing in common, and that was the exhaustion, anger and impatience they had endured over the last 8 years? The patience game I am afraid must continue and the game of hangman awaits. The noose around the neck of Rhodri is secured tight, the foundations below him could fall at any moment. Wales must wait to watch his fall to Pandemonium. The ticket to this journey will simply be his inablity to implement policy. For Wales it would have been best to have a strong government in power from the onset. However, for all those blinded Rhodri admirers perhaps his fall will open their eyes to the truth and the little pot of Gold may just be within sight.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Quality schools for all, not an obsession with grammar schools
I personally feel that on the issue of grammar schools Cameron is right unlike some of the other party members who feel we should be creating more grammar schools. The reason why I oppose the creation of more grammar schools is that we would move back to a system where a child education quality is mapped out at 11. This system would not increase social mobility and allow late developers to reach their full potential, as those that failed the 11+ would be placed in poor quality schools and so would decrease their chances of getting into a good university. A return to the grammar school system would also mean that those with higher incomes would be able to afford extra tuition to train the child to pass the 11+, those who cannot afford it would be left behind. Therefore I welcome Cameron and Willetts statement on grammar schools. Let's improve all schools, have streaming and setting within the Comprehensive system and not return to the grammar school system.
Lib Dems: Proportional Representation Hypocrites
For a party that for so long has argued for the introduction of PR across the UK the Lib Dems seem unable to deal with its consequences which in most circumstances produce hung parliaments and thus require the need for coalition governments. It is an example of the Lib Dems hyprocrisy and confusion about their parties direction, that a small party like the Lib Dems do not seek to form a coalition with either Labour or Plaid and Tories, a coalition would allow them to have cabinet seats and influence government. However they have shown by today's actions that as a party they are not capable of taking tough decisions which it take to govern. As a party with only 6 Welsh assembly seats and 62 Westminster seats (mostly marginal seats which we look likely to win of them in the next general election) the Lib Dems will never be able to muster a majority and govern alone, and given an opportunity to govern they have blown it. It seems likely at the next general election the Lib Dems will lose seats to us (eg Richmond upon Thames etc) and fade away after years of growth.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A new start?

Bristol Parkway Station this week opened up a new platform, trumpeting the end of the late arrival of trains. Unfortunately the first train arrived 40 minutes late, and the man with the giant scissors decided to take a car and not the train. Great start eh?
Friday, May 11, 2007
Two Resignations
The aftermath of the Welsh Assembly Elections yesterday was followed by two inevitable resignations, Tony Blair as Prime Minister ... and myself as Aberystwyth Conservative Future Chairman. However I would like to emphasise that there was a vast difference in circumstance!
Last nights leadership battle for Aber CF saw two perfectly capable and talented candidates give their best performances. Genevieve Isherwood was elected Chair of Aber CF for the 2007-2008 term. On behalf of Aber CF I would like to congratulate them both and thank them for their tremendous efforts over the past year. Last nights AGM was the most professional in my 3 years at Aber with the largest turnout so far.
I would like to wish Genevieve the best of luck and will be offering her as much support next year. This year has seen Aber CF's largest ever active membership, with some great events and a great campaigning force in the Welsh Assembly elections. Thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed yourself this year ... I know I certainly did!!
Last nights leadership battle for Aber CF saw two perfectly capable and talented candidates give their best performances. Genevieve Isherwood was elected Chair of Aber CF for the 2007-2008 term. On behalf of Aber CF I would like to congratulate them both and thank them for their tremendous efforts over the past year. Last nights AGM was the most professional in my 3 years at Aber with the largest turnout so far.
I would like to wish Genevieve the best of luck and will be offering her as much support next year. This year has seen Aber CF's largest ever active membership, with some great events and a great campaigning force in the Welsh Assembly elections. Thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed yourself this year ... I know I certainly did!!
Congratulations to Genevieve for being elected society Chairman. Good luck to her and everyone for next year!
Let me say a personal thank you to all for a thoroughly eventful and memorable time on this year's committee. The socials, conferences, dinners, meetings,bitching was all worth it.
Finally - as im not seeking to be on committee next year - I'd like to end by saying how much I have appreciated being "communications director/officer; blog-guy". In the 18 months I've been contributing to this blog I've always tried to be honest, principled and independent in my approach, as well as interesting and engaging in what I've had to say. I hope you have enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have had writing them
Let me say a personal thank you to all for a thoroughly eventful and memorable time on this year's committee. The socials, conferences, dinners, meetings,
Finally - as im not seeking to be on committee next year - I'd like to end by saying how much I have appreciated being "communications director/officer; blog-guy". In the 18 months I've been contributing to this blog I've always tried to be honest, principled and independent in my approach, as well as interesting and engaging in what I've had to say. I hope you have enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have had writing them
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tony Blair's green legacy

I see Tony flew from London to Sedgefield today in a private jet. Good to see Tony is saving any environmental damage for exceptional circumstances such as photo opportunities.
The new beginning

There is something very amusing listening to our esteemed Prime Minister listing all of his achivements. Yet below on the breaking news bar it repeats that "Bank of England raises interest rates to 5.5%". The highest for six years...
The warm up acts

Well the party is in full swing and the guest of honour is yet to arrive. Reach for the stars is blaring out to the delight of the spin doctors, who are flinging their arms into the air in excitement. The crowd are clapping along in an encore style and tears are in peoples eyes. This really is going down as one of the most cringe worthy political moments for some time and he hasn't even arrived yet.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The respect they now command

Who said that the actions of the captured Navy personnel would not damage respect from within the armed forces. The Navy and the Army played a football game last weekend. This is one song that came from the Army Courters....
To the tune what shall we do with a drunken sailor
What shall we do with the captured sailors?
What shall we do with the captured sailors?
What shall we do with the captured sailors?
ear-lye in the morning
ooh'ray and faye is gopping
ooh'ray and faye is gopping
ooh'ray and faye is gopping
ear-lye in the morning
Take away his ipod and make him blubber
Take away his ipod and make him blubber
Take away his ipod and make him blubber
ear-lye in the morning
put him in a suit and make him smile
put him in a suit and make him smile
put him in a suit and make him smile
ear-lye in the morning
give 'em fourty grand and hear them snivel
give 'em fourty grand and hear them snivel
give 'em fourty grand and hear them snivel
ear-lye in the morning
give him an alcopop and watch him dribble
give him an alcopop and watch him dribble
give him an alcopop and watch him dribble
ear-lye in the morning
send the ugly bint right back to tehran
send the ugly bint right back to tehran
send the ugly bint right back to tehran
ear-lye in the morning
put them on the telly smoking ciggies
put them on the telly smoking ciggies
put them on the telly smoking ciggies
ear-lye in the morning
sell his story and make him stories
sell his story and make him stories
sell his story and make him stories
ear-lye in the morning
The great global warming solution award of the week!

I quote "A 35-pence condom, which could avert that £30,000 cost from a single use, thus represents a “spectacular” potential return on investment – around nine million per cent."
"Global population growth between now and 2050 is equivalent in carbon dioxide emissions terms to the arrival on the planet of nearly two more United States, over two Chinas, 10 Indias or 20 UKs."
So is China more environmentally friendly than European nations then?
Monday, May 07, 2007
Missing statistics?

There are no government statistics on alcohol related violence. The question the show posed was how can the government be confident in their policies towards binge drinking when their are no statistics available? A valid question me thinks..
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Thank God!!!!

I have just read that there is a growing movement of atheism in America. It's about time!!! There is absolutely no room for religion in politics!
It is fairly common knowledge that a presidential candidate would have no chance if he or she openly admitted being atheist. This is as bad, if not worse, than than any religious discrimination.
However, a very worrying fact is cited:
"In a Republican presidential debate last week, candidates mentioned their faith 16 times, and three said that they did not believe in evolution."
It seems the American atheists have an incredibly large task on their hands to reach their goal of a US that is "one nation under no god". However, it is surely a very worthy cause.
Friday, May 04, 2007
I spent a day with Dylan in Aberconwy, it's declaring now for the lists at least. I will await the main result, our Chairman Paul is at the count and it's meant to be very tight, this is one we really want to look to win. - This will have to wait
Labour pushed very close in Gower, we need to keep pushed because next time around we could be winning these seats and we could look at a Conservative Government in Wales!
My Home is about to be declared, i'm sad to say i couldn't get home to vote but Craig Williams who ran is a top blokes and i wanted to vote for him. Rhodri Morgan is a DISGRACE for me, he does not represent me. Craig did VERY well! Good on him, lets push them close next time!
Labour pushed very close in Gower, we need to keep pushed because next time around we could be winning these seats and we could look at a Conservative Government in Wales!
My Home is about to be declared, i'm sad to say i couldn't get home to vote but Craig Williams who ran is a top blokes and i wanted to vote for him. Rhodri Morgan is a DISGRACE for me, he does not represent me. Craig did VERY well! Good on him, lets push them close next time!
From the Front
I'm told that we are VERY near in Carmathan West, we are really hoping for some wins as the night goes on. I'm watching Cheryl Gilliam on the BBC and she's right, we've done well. We have to thank Nick Bourne and his team for fighting a good election for us so far.
Still, the night goes on........
Still, the night goes on........
Funny Things
It's funny how things change as time goes by, both Newport seats looked dodgy but labour held Newport West, East is declaring now Labour hold but very marginal to be fair!
In Scotland Labour look to be losing quite heavily
In Scotland Labour look to be losing quite heavily
Starting to kick
Getting a bit sleepy now but i won't be leaving quite yet, Alon & Deeside declaring now, Labour Hold.
We still have 5 possible gains but the two close ones are a bit sad to be honest. The independents have been doing well all nite!
We still have 5 possible gains but the two close ones are a bit sad to be honest. The independents have been doing well all nite!
A few more
Another seat declaring, it's Delyn this time with the Giant Conservative candidate, (big seat for us) and it's a Labour hold but ONLY just, gutted for us. Another marginal for the future a frustrating night to be honest. BUT 2 very close seats in the north means hopefully more list seats, Newport declaring next...(waiting again)
Newport West - Labour Hold (but only just)
Ynys Mon - Plaid Hold
All in all, we've not won anything new yet and i'm gutted about that, BUT we have done well
Newport West - Labour Hold (but only just)
Ynys Mon - Plaid Hold
All in all, we've not won anything new yet and i'm gutted about that, BUT we have done well
It's home town time now, Lib Dems 10,863, Plaid 14,818, Cons, 2369. After a hard campaign led by Brad and the lads we've done well but the good news in a tactical sense is the Plaid hold. Monmouth was our only seat from the last elections and that will be our soon, but Llanelli is also very near (waiting) Monmouth Held! Well done to Nick Ramsay. Llanelli Plaid 13,839, Labour 9,955. Thats a BIG loss for Labour, Plaid aren't better but it's something
Still waiting on any Conservative gains, but they will come with time. It's still the main labour easy holds that are going out but we as a party have been doing well, i'll be blogging through the night, interesting note, Ron Davies didn't get in.
Vale of Clwyd
This one is the first big seat of the night, it wasn't a specific target but we've done well by all acounts.....Labour get 8104, we get 8012, this is VERY close. Sad we didn't win but something for the future, and a "should have been" for now, this will likely be one of the closest seats around!
Still Going
There has been some progress, generally Labour holding their safer seats. The important ones are yet to declare year, still we have done well as a party lets us look to the future, to coin a phrase..........."The Futures Bright, the Future's BLUE!"
Second In
Peter Law was one of the best AM's around and I personally was sad when died. The good news (for some?) is that his wife Trish has held the Assembly seat, labour stifled AGAIN! let this long continue.
More Details
The first votes were from the Vale of Clwyd for the list vote, we (the Conservative Party) did well leading the line, the first welsh seat went to Labour as Islwyn was held against a strong independent challenge.
Let us hope (quoting Huw Edwards) that the "March of the Torries" has begun!
Let us hope (quoting Huw Edwards) that the "March of the Torries" has begun!
First Results coming out
And their Regional..........Can't give details yet but it's looking like we'll have places being called very soon! I've just heard from my "secret" source in Aberconwy that thats still up in the air! (Thanks to Paul our "secret" source)
CF People doing well
For us it's all about Bridgend at the moment, Emma is a former CF Chair here in Aber and according to reports seems to have done well for herself there, a significant move for us and something for the future.
Other interesting seats are the Newports and a few seats in North Wales. Aberconwy looks like a lost cause, a pity as when we campaigned there it was looking hopeful.
Other interesting seats are the Newports and a few seats in North Wales. Aberconwy looks like a lost cause, a pity as when we campaigned there it was looking hopeful.
Changing Hands
Well, we may be a Welsh University but politics from other areas are important as well, the signs are there in Scotland. Labour just lost their first seat of the night, this is in Scotland but it still helps us hold hope that the demise of Rhodri Morgan and Welsh Labour is near!
The challenge now is attempt what was a successful set of predictions on the last set of US elections from myself, if there's anything watching keep doing so.
The challenge now is attempt what was a successful set of predictions on the last set of US elections from myself, if there's anything watching keep doing so.
First One
The first main result of the night has come in and it was from Scotland, Labour look to be losing their vote their and here wales things are starting to hot up. Labour are looking at real defeats across the board, it's going to be a good night for us i hope!
Welsh Assembly Election
Well, the polls have closed and i will be blogging the night away infront of my TV watching all the coverage. Turnout looks good in some places but not so in others, there are people bickering on BBC1 and lots of people counting the vote.......
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Best of luck!

Emma Greenow - Bridgend
Richard Minshull - Mid and West Wales
Paul Rodgers - North Wales
Craig Williams - Cardiff West
Mike Wood - Dwyfor Meirionnydd
Richard John - South Wales Central
And of course:
Nick Bourne and Lisa Francis
Let us hope its a great night both for Aberystwyth CF and for the Welsh Conservatives as a whole.