Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So today the "big beast" fell at the first hurdle. I was convinced that the Party would at the very least have the decency to deliver Ken Clarke unscathed into the second round. Well looks like I was wrong.
Its all very disappointing and unfortunately it seems to show that for all the talk the Party has yet again retreated into Westminster isolation , separating themselves from the opinion polls that quite clearly put Ken Clarke along with David Cameron miles ahead of our other friends. In fact the Sky news poll I saw today put David Davis at 8% and Liam Fox at 10% in terms of who people wanted as the leader.
As strong a candidate as Liam Fox is, it does concern me that both he and Davis (both preaching policies that are generally unpopular with the national population) managed to beat a man that really could have led us to electoral victory. But maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Whilst I had no doubt that Ken Clarke could have been successful in winning the next general election, the bitter in fighting that might have resulted from it, particularly successors etc might well have caused us to nose dive again.
So really there is only one choice left in my mind and that is David Cameron. Its one huge gamble, but there just seems to be something about the man that has taken the Party and the country by storm. It really does seem hard to not be caught up in it and from what political correspondents have been saying today, quite a few Davis and Fox supporters may well switch to Cameron.
Who goes Thursday then? Well I think the good money is on Davis, who really seems to be collapsing. If this happens then the membership will be presented with a clear choice between two charismatic politicians representing both the left and the right of our Party. A decision that only the Party as a whole can and will make
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