Saturday, November 12, 2005


Aber CF support for Nick Bourne

Dear all,

It has only tonight come to my attention that there are certain individuals within the Welsh Conservative Party that are not only a disgrace but should be immediately removed from the membership. Although this is beyond the helm of our society, we need to show solidarity to our leader in the Welsh Assembly. A brief background needs to be ascertained. When Rod Richards, who was our leader before Nick and voted him over 2 to 1, stood down after a scandal, Nick Bourne was 'appointed' our new leader. However, it did not go to the rank and file membership, who at the time was fairly anti-Assembly. This has caused uproar in only a few members, however, they hold high official positions and are seen to 'represent us'. These include, Chairman of New Port West (David Fouweather), Chairman South Wales East (Nick Hacket Pain) as well as his Deputy. They decided to go on national TV and challenge Nick Bourne to stand for leadership. Fouweather made the comment that Nick probably does not know where Newport is, even though two weeks earlier he was there campaigning in a by-election. I call on us as a society to voice our objections to such 'crap' and write to these people challenging their views by stating we support our leader. For those who have lived in Wales, and for those who follow a close eye on the Assembly will understand that Nick has not only turned the Welsh Conservatives round, but has put them in a prominent position to really challenge the Welsh Labour Government. To suggest that "he has lost it" is not only outrageous but simply not a view taken in our party. If we are seen dis-unified then we stand no chance of winning the next election.

So I call for a letter to Nick Bourne expressing our support and unity to the party, I call for us to sign a petition that clearly shows to the higher ranked officials that we as a society fully back our Leader. Those who challenge this in view should leave the party. It is a shame that after so many years out of Government there is still some who will stir up attention just for the media. Let me tell you something about Nick Hacket Pain, only a few months ago he stood to challenge Lyndon Jones for Chairmanship of the Welsh Conservative Party as well as Barrie Harding (one of his deputies) This is clearly an attack on them, clearly a sign of jealousy and clearly a sign of them losing the plot.

So you’re probably all thinking what?
well here’s the link to the program called Dragons Eye - watch the latest programme.

I think a letter to Nick Bourn expressing our support as a society is a fantastic idea, i'd be very happy to sign this! I feel it's very important that Welsh Conservatives stick together and the comments by these people are disgusting.
I concur and will sign.

People like this should move on. We lost the assembly referenda and as such Wales has spoken. Nick has made the assembly work and saved all the welsh students from top up fees.

Hence lets remove Plaid 'Whinge' Cymru from the equation by giving them what their activists want, equality with Scotland, no more, no less.

The Dragons Eye programme took me back somewhat.

Firstly to voice opinions of that sort of nature on national television, with incorrect information was frankly embarrassing.

Secondly to claim that it is a party/country wide feeling is an utter disgrace.

People are inherently not very clever, and it seems as if we have a disease in our party where people speak first and think later. It reeks of a couple of people with grudges and issues against Nick. People are still in denial at the success that he has brought us within the Welsh assembly and Wales itself!

We have been given an opportunity to change public perceptions throughout Wales and I think the election of Stephen Crabb, David Davies and David Jones at the General election reflected the great work that has been going on within the Welsh assembly. We cannot let this be ruined by a few outspoken people.

On the issue of writing letters, I think it is something we should not jump into. It’s an issue that needs to be watched with caution, however maybe its too early for us as a society to jump feet first into something that I personally think could back fire. However if there is support for some old fashioned letter writing then I will not stand in its way and will give my full support.

Lastly on a personal note, I have found Nick Bourne to be incredibly accessible and helpful. In fact I doubt there are any politicians in Britain that are more so. He is an example to politicians throughout the country and how he has conducted himself as leader has been second to none.
Re Nick Bourne I concur, he replies to emails and talks to ordinary people in the street.

A peoples politician Wales can be proud of.
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