Thursday, November 10, 2005
Blondes Vs Christian Aid

Davis's does not seem to be at best the issue of women arises. After the controversy over his "It's DD For Me" T-shirts" modelled by some lovely ladies, David, seems to have stirred up a bit more trouble by saying he prefers blondes to brunettes. Cameron wisely chose not to answer as this was the womens hour.
"Pamela Parker, president of the Conservatives Women's Association, accused Mr Davis of "bad taste" and said she was "horrified" by Mr Davis's gaffe". (view London)
At the same time Mr Cameron was also causing a bit of trouble, this time criticising Christian Aid's new advert campaign.
"Cameron publicly criticised a poster that compares deaths caused by poverty to those caused by the tsunami, suggesting that it was helping to foster what he called “Britain’s cultural hostility to capitalism”.
He stated that “For too many people, profit and free trade are dirty words. You can see it in the Christian Aid poster that compares free trade to a tsunami.” (
Both blunders come at a time when ballot papers will start returning to central office. With women making up 17 per cent of Party membership, it will be interesting to see if Davis's comments have any effect. Cameron's attack on a well known charity probably will not affect his standing within the party, but outside, who knows?
A day both will probably want to forget.
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It would be a shame if being politically incorrect started becoming such a huge problem even in the Tory party so as to effect how people voted for a leader
Also I agree with David Cameron's criticism of Christian AID. While much is made of the "religious right" there is also a definite "religious left" which somehow rather bizarrely deems it a contiunation of Christ's work to denounce capitalism.
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Also I agree with David Cameron's criticism of Christian AID. While much is made of the "religious right" there is also a definite "religious left" which somehow rather bizarrely deems it a contiunation of Christ's work to denounce capitalism.
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