Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hague, Osbourne, Fox, Davis but no Clarke?

William Hague is odds on to be given a prominent cabinet position if Cameron becomes leader of the Party. However due to other commitments for example completing his book, Hague is unwilling to become shadow Chancellor, a role that George Osbourne is now expected to fill.
David Davis is also expected to get a position on the cabinet as Cameron let it slip that he "wanted a team of all the talents and David [Davis] has a huge talent". Further Cameron in answer to a question about whether he would want Davis in his shadow cabinet, replied "Absolutely." The Guardian puts forward the possibility that Davis could become shadow secretary for defence whilst Liam Fox becomes shadow home secretary.
On a more disappointing note, it seems as if Ken Clarke has decided against a return to the front benches. He is instead expected to take on an informal role supporting Mr Cameron in the media.