Thursday, November 03, 2005
Here we go again!

Another wonderfully thought out Conservative idea on Europe :-
"David Davis today put Europe centre-stage in his Conservative leadership challenge, pledging two referendums on the EU if he became prime minister - one to return a range of powers from Brussels to Westminster, and a second to ask if he had delivered on the first"
Has Mr Davis learnt anything from the last election? People want slightly more than just random comments like "return a range of powers". This just has European Union withdrawal written all over it.
Luckily we have Ken Clarke to the rescue. In his own words:-
"I hope it doesn't mean that the Tories are going to go back to the old, old 'Let's whip up our core vote with rightwing issues' approach to elections".
"Frankly, that is the way in which we will be choosing a leader of the opposition and no more."
Well done Ken. Whilst I believe that we have integrated too far and am concerned at future developments in relation to Europe, it does us no favour to be making random, un-intellectual points such as these.