Tuesday, November 15, 2005
How important is the removal of Blair?

A few news sources are reporting that:
"Mr Cameron is reportedly preparing to help Mr Blair push through a series of controversial reforms that would keep an 'isolated' Prime Minister in power". (Daily Mail)
This has prompted David Davis to state that "I will not ride to Tony Blair's rescue. I will do all I can to hasten his end."
Camerons aides have responded arguing that support for Blair will leave him "badly wounded if the only way he can get his reforms through is with our support."
This opens up an interesting debate. Is it best to follow the Cameron policy of supporting Blair on issues he passionately believes in, even if it ends in helping Blair defeat back bench rebellions? Or alternatively, is Davis's policy best, where the main aim is to defeat Labour so as to remove Blair, no matter what the policy?
Is there such a thing as opposition for opposition’s sake?
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How important is the removal of Blair?
Answer not as important as the restoration of parliamentary accountability.
If we back him, the Lib dems will have a field day as 'a plague on both your houses' That said it could encourage some Labour lefties to join the Lib Dems so that point is swings and roundabouts as the Liob Dem rise needs to be checked (come from London, so me a Tory MP S of the Thames in outer West London, as defined by a 30 min drive from the M4).
In principle we must side with the government when the issue is in the national interest but we should table friendly ammendments.
In my judgement creating an autocratic Prime Minister and undermining Parliamentary democracy ain't on. We need to reform the system and create a constitutional federal monacrhy like Canada and Australia.
Maybe Cameron is setting his sights on not being removed as PM of a hung Parliament in 2008/9 so this is a step along the way of achieving it.
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Answer not as important as the restoration of parliamentary accountability.
If we back him, the Lib dems will have a field day as 'a plague on both your houses' That said it could encourage some Labour lefties to join the Lib Dems so that point is swings and roundabouts as the Liob Dem rise needs to be checked (come from London, so me a Tory MP S of the Thames in outer West London, as defined by a 30 min drive from the M4).
In principle we must side with the government when the issue is in the national interest but we should table friendly ammendments.
In my judgement creating an autocratic Prime Minister and undermining Parliamentary democracy ain't on. We need to reform the system and create a constitutional federal monacrhy like Canada and Australia.
Maybe Cameron is setting his sights on not being removed as PM of a hung Parliament in 2008/9 so this is a step along the way of achieving it.
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