Sunday, November 13, 2005
If I was a betting man.....

William Hill have slashed their odds for David Cameron to become the next Tory Leader from 1/6 to 1/12 , and doubled David Davis' odds from 3/1 to 6/1.
Other William Hill odds of interest
10/1 that Tony Blair will stand down before the end of the year
6/4 that he goes during 2006 - the shortest odds about him quitting that they have quoted since he came to power.
5/1 - Blair beating Margaret Thatcher's record eleven years in power
1/7 - Gordon Brown - favourite to succeed Blair
10/1 - Charles Clarke, second favourite to succeed Blair
14/1 - David Miliband - third favourite.
9/4 - For Tony Blair to leave office before Sven Goran Erikkson who is a 1/3 chance to depart before the Prime Minister.
13/8 England to beat Pakistan in the First test