Thursday, November 10, 2005


Labour Traitors.

I was reading the Sun online and saw that The Sun has "name and shame" all 322 "TRAITORS" MPs (Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem etc) who betrayed Britain be voting against the 90-day detention.

Here are a selected few:

Frank Dobson (Holborn & St Pancras)
Ms Glenda Jackson (Hampstead & Highgate)
Ms Clare Short (Birmingham Ladywood)

Michael Ancram (Devizes) -
David Cameron (Witney)
David Davis (Haltemprice & Howden)
Iain Duncan Smith (Chingford & Woodford Green)
William Hague (Richmond (Yorks)
Michael Howard (Folkestone & Hythe)
Boris Johnson (Henley)
George Osborne (Tatton)
Also It includes all the MP that didn't vote at all.

"They IGNORED the wishes of the vast majority of Britons and HUMILIATED Tony Blair by inflicting his first Commons defeat." said the voice of The Sun

I disagree with The Sun so much as to call them all Traitors. They didn't think the same when John Major was defeated back in 1995 in the commons. I didn't have an opinion on the 90 days detention but because of this article, I am moving away from 90 days.

The article is:,,2-2005520222,00.html

I'm strongly opposed to 90 days, i watched the vote with glee. The only real traitor here is the Sun Editor who put out such a disgusting headline. I'll never read the Sun and this just shows me why!
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