Wednesday, November 09, 2005
New You Gov Polls

Davis improved but it still leaves him with only half the support Cameron holds

Cameron is perceived as a far better leader, challenge to Blair or Brown, better Tory PM, better on TV and a greater boost to the Tory's chance of winning the next election.

59% say Cameron would offer the Tories a fresh start. 51% of those surveyed said Basher had no style, only 19% thought he looked like a potential prime minister. Overwhelmingly Cameron is seen as a bold man (43%) of the future (67%) with self confidence (45%).
The TV debate hasn't really affected people's thinking. Now Basher's increasingly desperate team believe they have to play dirty. Far from the drugs issue not being used, despite Davis publicly and piously instructing them, its the only issue that his spin and smear team thinks it can bash Cameron with in the hope that a skeleton will rattle out into the press. Alas, in the words of the song "the drugs don't work".