Saturday, November 26, 2005

The David Cameron campaign will be sitting down tonight with big smiles across their faces. Today both The Sun and the Daily Telegraph have put themselves firmly in favour of Cameron. Trevor Kavanagh declared that "for the first time since Margaret Thatcher he looked like a leader, Tory voters might back in a general election."
The Daily Telegraph stated that "Mr Cameron has brought a vigour and an optimism to a party which has at times seemed almost obsolescent. Interestingly, the Telegraph claimed that "He has done so largely by avoiding what is called the 'core vote strategy'. This in particular looks good for the next general election. Both newspapers agree that Davis has fought a good campaign and his participation has been a bonus for the Conservatives. They both conclude that with Cameron in charge, the Conservatives will have a good chance come the next election.
Such optimism comes off the back of the latest youguv polls. This month’s poll has one of the first significant changes in the levels of party support - the topline figures are CON 35%(+3), LAB 37%(-3), LD 20%(+1). Considering we have been stuck at 33% for some time this is a big bonus.
Further Tony Blair has only a 6 point lead over David Cameron, compared to a 21 point lead over Michael Howard in the last Blair/Howard/Kennedy poll and an 11 point lead over Howard at the election. On economic competence, Labour’s lead is down to 8 points compared to 22 points at the general election. Also on the question of which Party is the most divided, more people believe it it Labour rather than the Tories (70% compared to 58%).
Lastly in a YouGov poll for Sky News, four out of ten respondents wanted David Cameron to replace the Tony Blair as PM. However Cameron still trails behind Gordon Brown as the top choice for the next prime minister, with Brown polling 43 per cent of the vote against Cameron's 38 per cent. This is expected however because of the myth that seems to suggest that Brown is going to be a great PM.
Anyway, a positive last two days!