Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Something Cameron should think about

When Labour came to power 1997, public spending was £322.1 billion a year. In 2007 it will have risen to £580 billion. (a rise of 80%)

In 2000, total public spending as a proportion of GDP was 38%. In this (financial) year, it will be 42%. This is the most rapid increase in any advanced country in this time period.

Since Labour came to power, 750,000 extra people have been added to the public payroll. (Thats a lot of diversity officer under-secretaries methinks)

China currently accounts for 13% of global output. This is predicted to reach 19% in a decade's time. That would rank it equal with America and 2% above the combined 25 countries of the present EU.

The question is not whether we should cut spending and reduce taxes, but by how much. The Blairite/Brownite consensus cannot be sustained if this nation is to compete in the world economy and take up the challenge countries like China will present us. As our new leader (and hopefully our next prime minister) David Cameron simply must address this.

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