Sunday, February 26, 2006
Gordon Brown leads Cameron

In a poll for the News of the World, ICM have rated Gordon Brown over Cameron as a 'better Prime Minister'. However, as we all know this is a poll for a paper that would report anything pro-Labour.
The sample appears somewhat slanted towards Labour supporters according to a post on
"Telephone polls like this one involve making randomised unsolicited telephone calls with only about one in six resulting in interviews. For whatever reason this approach almost always produces samples that are heavily pro-Labour. To counteract this in its General Election voting intention polls ICM has pioneered weighting findings on the basis of how people said they voted at the last election. This has not happened with this poll."
I'm not really worried about this, I think it's early days and when it comes down to policy, after the 18 months policy review, people will start to come back to the Conservative Party.
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In many ways I see this poll as a huge confidence boost. If you look at the pub questions, Cameron is not seen as arrogant but instead more in touch with the general public. Further he is considered to be far superior on style. Brown might be considered the better PM in waiting, however the fact of the matter is that when the election comes around, it will be personality and style (rightly or wrongly) that will trump who has the better potential. All this poll confirms is that even amongst labour voters, Cameron makes Brown look old and out of touch.
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