Monday, March 06, 2006


Another aspect of democracy is removed

Today witnessed the devastating news for journalists that Annie's bar situated within the Houses of Parliament will be closed down.

"Apparently the only bar in the palace where journalists and politicians can meet on an equal footing just doesn't make enough money, so a review of catering facilities has concluded it must go". So why has it stopped making money? Well I think one should look towards the Labour PArty who banned their MP's going there due to the fear of them interacting with Journalists.

The bar famed for being the only place where politicians can meet with journalists informally and in comfort, has also raised significant money for charity, specifically through its annual pool contest.

For those outside parliament, this might seem a tad trivial, but for me it represents the way that Labour runs both its own party and the country as a whole. The bar which has done so much for raising money for good causes and promoting democracy has been dismissed due to Labour’s total fixation with control.

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