Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Brown v's Cameron - the make up round

The young and charismatic new leader like David Cameron seems to be putting Labour in a ‘spot of bother’. We all hear in the media that Gordon Brown is going to take over from Blair sooner or later. However, the current Brown is simply no match for Cameron, so the Labour spin doctors at work to try and ‘spice’ him up.

Have you not noticed? The new shoes, the new suits, and the snazzy new tie! But there is a problem: it doesn’t work and it isn’t just me.

Take a look at the Populus poll:-

These are statistics we should be proud of and let’s hope they only get better. The new Brown looks as though he’s putting on a fake image. I think it wont be long till people realise that’s he’s screwed this countries economy up and if he was given PM status he would do an even worse job….

There is something I have to contend with though. I was listening to Radio 4 today and they said there is a clear difference between them. Cameron will spend a fortune to make his home economically green, while Brown will make a speech in America realising without them there is no point. I cant wait till these guy’s clash head on!

As Guido Fawkes Blog correctly says – “It is going to take more than Gordon smiling in a pink tie methinks.”

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