Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Lets kick obesity out of Britain

I demand a picture of Steve Vaught to be placed on every school notice-board, on every fitness clubs changing rooms and in every fast food restaurant in the world. He may dismiss attention, he may not see himself as a hero but Mr Vaught should become a role model to everyone. Slightly drastic one might say to exploit an ex 30-stone heavyweight however sometimes we need inspiration.
In an age when we are kicking racism out of our society, ending poverty worldwide and preaching about cleaning up the environment let us also add the issue of obesity to this list. Jamie Oliver was a start, but cutting obesity goes so much further than just eating the right food. Its about reversing the un-defendable and horrendous number of school playing fields that are sold every year. Every school should have immediate access to a playing field and should not be held to ransom to use it! I used to live next door to playing fields. Now half of it is closed off, another has been built over with an astro court, which you have to pay to use. This is unacceptable, god knows what my mates and I would do now if we were kids and wanted a kick about as we did most days...
It shouldn't stop there. Why are children aloud to sit out of PE lessons because they forgot their kit? Surely it cannot be too hard to buy a couple of spares and keep them in the school to then shove at the kids who try to get out of sport. And why don't comprehensives have more inter group sports? It is time we get serious about this and stop pretending we are doing something when quite clearly we are not!
And this is why Steve Vaught really touched me today. A man that despite his size has set off on a personal mission and using exercise to burn off the pounds. And wait a minute it actually seems to be need for any of these money making schemes that can cure you in a month. Nah all it took was a bit of exercise..
The 2012 Olympics games gives Britain a real chance. I fear unless a political party starts to take seriously the issue of obesity then the opportunity of a life time will be lost. But its more than that, its not just grasping the issue and encouraging kids to play sport, its about providing all children and adults safe areas to exercise with. Now that is something that I believe no government is serious about and that is a very sad day for all.
Rant over…
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Exactly Rob - childhood obesity is a serious problem and the government could be doing far more to help combat it - the measures you mention being just a few. However ultimate responsibility lies with parents, and the problem will never be truly solved unless they are on side.
On adulthood obesity, I take a totally different view. Thats none of the government's business. I don't know how other people think on adult obesity?
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On adulthood obesity, I take a totally different view. Thats none of the government's business. I don't know how other people think on adult obesity?
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