Saturday, March 25, 2006
Norman Kember....right or wrong?

Wandoo's poll tonight asked....
Should British civilians be prevented from entering Iraq?
Norman Kember's Wife said he was "silly" to go to Iraq. Mr Kember himself has said that he needs time to reflect as to whether he was "foolhardy or rational".
My immediate thoughts on it all, is that there needs to be serious humanitarian aid work in Iraq however, Norman Kember and his Christian group seem to be entirely ignorant and foolish in what they are doing/have done in Iraq.
The very fact that his church apparently asked armed forces to only intervene when they were sure that no one would be hurt is beyond stupidity and had the potential to compromise the operation. Further Mr Kember’s actions have cost the tax payers an absolute fortune considering that his house has been under 24hr security for months and this is likely to continue now he is back. I was one of the millions of people who said a silent prayer for him when his capture was announced, however I am still highly critical of his beliefs and total lack of an ability to grasp reality.
If groups are going over there to help the people who need the support such as the children and the sick, then as long as they are aware of the threats and well trained then I think they should be allowed into Iraq. But to those who go to Iraq preaching peace and Christianity to people who at the moment are not ready for it need to seriously look at themselves and their own beliefs.
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First off its good a man from near where I live is rescued, I've been posting on updates as to whats been reported.
Whether he was right to do mission work in Iraq is questionable given the fate of previous westerners.
That said where there are Christian communities in need, groups such as these can provide more effectively than our forces who have to remain impartial and not be targetted.
The only danger is that once there they become targets for kidnappers and risk the lives of those that host them (see the treatment of Chinese christians in the 1980s to 1990s).
A tough one but in this case 75% success rate in terms of hostages rescued. well done to the British forces involved, hope there weren't any casualties among the rescuers.
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Whether he was right to do mission work in Iraq is questionable given the fate of previous westerners.
That said where there are Christian communities in need, groups such as these can provide more effectively than our forces who have to remain impartial and not be targetted.
The only danger is that once there they become targets for kidnappers and risk the lives of those that host them (see the treatment of Chinese christians in the 1980s to 1990s).
A tough one but in this case 75% success rate in terms of hostages rescued. well done to the British forces involved, hope there weren't any casualties among the rescuers.
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