Friday, April 28, 2006
Its all a laugh if your PM

So...this week has been like no other that Labour has faced and how do you deal with it, well you laugh it off according to our Prime Minister. The cabinet is in tatters and Blair does not seem interested in doing anything about it. Unfortunatly every day this goes by, more and more voters are being turned off the political process and to be honest I cannot really blame them.
In five days, three cabinet members should have been sacked (Patricia Hewitt, Charles Clarke and John Prescott). And from reading other blogs we are far from finished with the allegations, its a question of when the press decide to stick the final dagger in. This is an absolute joke of a government and it can only be a matter of time until it implodes. Unfortunately it will be the general public’s belief and faith that will be hit hardest.
Oh and can anyone tell me where one of my favourite politicians of all time has gone? In a week when Keele university has had to allocate interim degrees, and most other universities are set to vote upon contingency measures, I want to know where my education secretary has disappeared too? Has she said anything about this crisis? Ah yes I forgot, Ruth Kelly should also have been sacked, she must be keeping her head down too.
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As an American, I'll admit to not knowing much about the British education system, but why are universities dependent on the government to award degrees? Why is Keele's problem also the government's problem? Also, why are they awarding "interim degrees" in the first place?
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