Friday, May 05, 2006
Clarke goes and yet Prescott stays!

It really is quite incredible. Just a few days since Tony Blair hailed Charles Clarke as the best man to sort out the debacle at the Home Office he is replaced with John Reid. Charles Clarke had to go however lets have some consistency in statements and from listening to the Clarke interview I somehow think he agrees with this.
But the problems do not stop there. Geoff Hoon is appointed as Europe minister, which gives him no major role and just allows him to sit in on meetings (what is the point of that?). The positive is that you would have thought that we would be given a strong and highly skilled politician as Foreign Secretary, no we get Margaret Beckett! Finally why is John Prescott still in the cabinet? His office has been taken away from him yet he still gets to hold onto his nice cabinet pay packet. A total disgrace.
At least things are looking good on our side of the fence. A strong showing in the local elections and room to suggest that we will make inroads into new Conservative areas at the next Geneal Election. Just a shame that Labour have managed to detract from their poor showing through these changes, however from the Brown camps reactions, there may be more bad news on the way from Mr Blair.
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Hi I'm definitely not a conservative but I agree that it is very strange that clarke has gone yet straw and prescott have stayed. See my article on my blog for more
I don't know Clarke was a decent home secretary who was measured in what he said.
£3k is the limit of what can be beared by students and after payment as well is a system that could have been worse (though there are better ways and we should be pursuing them)
The asylum matter is something that has been there for a long while and sometimes its compassionate to let them stay, ie if they turned evidence against organised crime. That said whenever you detain someone you become there guardian so under human rights law they can argue a right to remain. As such it is important for this govt and his successor to have in place the English classes and dedicated probation required.
Here is where the Nimbys will shout and it may be a question of who shouts least gets the centre.
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£3k is the limit of what can be beared by students and after payment as well is a system that could have been worse (though there are better ways and we should be pursuing them)
The asylum matter is something that has been there for a long while and sometimes its compassionate to let them stay, ie if they turned evidence against organised crime. That said whenever you detain someone you become there guardian so under human rights law they can argue a right to remain. As such it is important for this govt and his successor to have in place the English classes and dedicated probation required.
Here is where the Nimbys will shout and it may be a question of who shouts least gets the centre.
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