Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Great news!

Labour is collapsing, we see it on the news everyday and now the polls are reflecting it. A poll for the Times puts Labour on 30% the Lib dems on 20% and the Conservative Party on 38%. Further if Brown was to be in power then the poll put Cameron on 41%. To add to this good news, William Hill has for the fist time since we lost power, made the Conservative Party favourites to win the next General Election.
"William Hill, have cut their odds from Evens to 4/5 favourites. Labour have drifted from 8/11 to 10/11 - the longest odds at which they have been quoted since coming to power in 1997, while the Lib-Dems are 80/1 with Hills, who are offering 7/2 about the next Election producing a Hung Parliament.
'Betting support for Labour has virtually dried up over the past ten days and political punters are only interested in backing the Tories - if we were closer to a General Election they would be even hotter favourites' said Hill's spokesman Graham" Sharpe