Sunday, May 07, 2006
One step closer to Iran?

Does the cabinet re-shuffle have more importance than just reasserting Blair's power or alternatively burying the bad news of the local election results? Ewen MacAskill in yesterday's Guardian thinks so and looks at why Jack Straw who is one of the few cabinet members to avoid the front pages in the past few weeks was demoted to Leader of the Commons. With Patricia Hewitt remaining as Health secretary and Prescott also staying, the decision to remove Straw seems a tad strange.
Ewen MacAskill argues that Jack Straw was replaced as Foreign secretary so as to prepare for a future war with Iran. Jack Straw has come under increasing pressure from both number 10 and the White House for repeatedly stating that a military strike on Iran was inconceivable. Just like Robin Cook, MacAskill argues that Jack Straw has been removed so as to avoid future justifications problems. If this is the case then it will be very interesting to hear the words chosen by Magaret Beckett over Iran and whether she too views military action as inconceivable.
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The question should be why does Iran want nuclear power and is our sabre rattling merely making it harder for moderates within that country.
Does George Wya want all that oil nuclear wasted by a military strike or is motivated to act now so as to avoid it?
James Ware
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Does George Wya want all that oil nuclear wasted by a military strike or is motivated to act now so as to avoid it?
James Ware
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