Saturday, July 29, 2006
I am advised my chances aren't so good behind a businessman and a well known activist, I hope we're not going to have an Archer / Norris style re-run (though I still think Norris is a credible candidate). That said I believe I stand as good a chance as any if selected in defeating Ken Livingstone.
As someone who has been to Yokos in my time though I can't object to a Peter Stringfellow candidacy, lol.
If anyone wants to see me drop in the form I'll be at CCHQ on Monday at midday.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Latest Polls

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
We're not standing with Israel
A poll for The Guardian suggests 61% of Brits believe Israel has acted "disproportionately" to the threat it faces against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Since this is the Guardian its tempting to assume this is just the usual suspects on the Left, but sadly I don't think it is. The poll goes on to say even 68% of conservatives believe Tony Blair's position on this is too close to that of President Bush (and it is safe to say that "yo Blair" incident didn't help).
The British Conservative Party also seems to be following its leftward lurch in domestic policy with a similar change in direction in foreign policy. Even American conservatives have noticed this, with a typically accurate post on David Frum's blog:
This week... Cameron’s front bench indulged itself in the most serious attack to date upon its friends: this time, an attack upon US-UK diplomacy in the Middle East, upon George Bush, and upon Israel as it defends itself against terror attack.
This is because Tony Blair was openly mocked on the Conservative benches for being unwilling to "stand up to" Bush, and an admission from Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague that Israel's response has indeed been disproportionate (that specific word was used).
This was not however as bad as it got. 'Liberal Democrat' leader Ming Campbell had the following bile to spew:
The Government is right to ensure there are no arms transfers, either direct or indirect, from the UK to Syria, Iran or illegal armed groups such as the military wing of Hizbollah ... The Government must now comply with its own arms export rules and institute an immediate suspension of all UK arms exports to Israel
A moral equivalence is drawn between Israel and Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. Tories may be doing their best to cuddle up to elitist opinion in Europe on this, but you still won't see such alarming idiocy from them as seems manditory for a liberal.
Without doubt, the UK isn't standing with Israel as I believe it should be. But there is still a minority who sees Israel's fight as our broader fight, a fight against Islamofascism. This pro-Israel rally in London shows not everyone is suffering from pancake-on-the-brain syndrome
Friday, July 14, 2006
Aberystwyth Conservative Future
At present there is an attack by one democracy on a state moving towards democracy. I am refferring to Israel and Lebanon.
Granted Hizbollah are terrorists but also note that they are incoalition with moderates and seeking to remove Syrian influence from politics in that country.
I hope the operation is swift and involves no more lebanese land occuaption by Israel as Lebanon still wants qeema fields back according to the BBC news website. Military spurs for a new government may be understandable, another chatila massacre would not be.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Betraying a promise

Its with this background that David Cameron announces his promise to withdraw from the European Peoples Party will not take place until, at best, 2009. This also seems to have been cynically announced when the newspapers will be full of Lord Levy's arrest. I think with that its obvious Cameron knows this will be unpopular.
You made one pledge Mr Cameron, just the one.....