Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Iran calls for civilian nuclear power

Ok this is a dilemma, can we help Iran out of its situation?

Ok its an oil producing country so it should need power stations that burn oil, right. However thats from an outsiders perspective. Iran is scared at elite level in my guess and scared people react badly when perceived with athreat. Hence their President calling they won't back down in response to the Un resolution inon Monday calling for suspension of uranium enrichment. Further Iran needs power for its own industries if one belives its givt so that it can economically develop without being economically dependent on others when the oil runs out (as reported on Newsnight).

If Iran needs more electric power and we can trust them not to build bombs, can't we supply them the fuel and take the waste back off them,after all what else is the Uk fuel processing scheme for? If we shared technology and overcame trust issues with the Soviets, might Chernobyl have been avoided? That may sound chauvinistic but if the mighty Russians / Soviets got their station wrong, how safe is the Iranian programme? Don't attackIrans might or sovereignty per se offer a way outprovided it obeys Intl law, use sanctions on them more carefully than Iraq under Saddam .

This way out may have to come from an Islamic state such as Kuwait or IRaq and Saudi. BUt again it come downs to this, would a New Middle east see funding of terrorism across the border in Iraq cease? In that sense Iran has to help the IAEA and we have to help it. Do we want the mullahs to gain ground in the structures of Iran? I think not.

Hence sanctions should be targetted in a way that limits production but doesn't lead to an incident or someone leaking secrets or selling the fuel on. Saddam could terrorise his population in the 1990s with a massive land army If we play this one wrong, Irans national sentiment could be reduced and that would be enought to bolster its govts bolshieness out of popular support.

I'm no pacifist but deep level bunkers with uranium inside and smart big explosives or worse still little tactical nukes give me nightmares. There has to be abetter way without sanctions leading to a lack of equipment for maintenance of the plants.

My question is can there be a regional solution to the problem as part of peace between Pakistan and India (over Kashmir) a non proliferation agreement and sharing of fuel technology over the longer term? It means no to terror and yes to peace being the need for all sides. and looking beyond the rhetoric.

I meant smart nukes and big explosives being used in the destruction of the bunkers by the west.
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