Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Peretz calls for peace talks with Syria

It was reported on BBC Radio 4 The world tonights programme (10pm DST, 9pm GMT) that Amir Peretz had called for preparations for talks with Syria. Given that there is the Golan disputed between them and the speech quoted by newsnight from Assad, this is all the more necessary to facilitate a peaceful resolution.

Surely it is right to aid the disarming of Hezbollah by concluding a peace with its sponsor, closing the borders between it and Lebanon and Iraq, and then resolving the issues of water and the Golan so that Intl law is implemented even handedly as was called for today by Shahid Malik on Newsnight.

Then its easier to resolve Palestine and dissolve the recruiting mentalities for Al Qeada and whats happenned as our fight is not with every muslim, it is with those who seek to blow us up.

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