Thursday, September 21, 2006


Pinky and the Brain part II


In short Labour is donald ducking with our constitution to get the maximum number of Welsh MPs to prop it up during its fourth term in the event of a hung Parliament, rather than reducing the numbers and resolving the West LothianQuestion amicably for England and delivering a constitution fit for the 21st century. Does the peer smell the expenses of the quango lords that Labour is coming up with and fixing at present, or is this a coded revelation from a higher power such as the Privy Council or one of the Palaces?

In short Wales under Labour is just Goirdon Borwns fiefdom, not a nation to be treated equally with his own.

Its time for the Conservatives to call for the repeal of the Govt of Wales Acts and replace them with a Welsh version of teh Govt of Scotland Act so that the powers are equal with Scotland and a Taff /gog on this island isn't seconjd class to a Jock or in a constitutional vacumn as the current and soon to be enacted legislation would create.

The learned Lord said a spat between Wales and England would be a way of crystallising the issue. What tosh! As an Englishman and member of London Welsh and UMCA whose neighbours and schoolfriends include Welsh people, this problem could be avoided if the current government could behave with some constitutional integrity rather than hypocritical bullshit on the media that the act is a great leap forward. the learned Lord is however right that it is a stage towards the Welsh Parliament.

I fear Labours inepitude and self seeking internal electioneering of Peter Hain abusing his position of Secretary of state for partisan gains will give the separatists the momentum they need to regain some of their support. It is up to the Conservatives and the Lib Dems to liase and target resources with Plaid to get out Labour and in places agree the common programme and constitutional Convention for Wales necessary to allow for a proper second referenda with all of the options laid out once and for all time:
abolition (in case UKIP get a list seat in Mid Wales, a varaible that Pinky and the Brain didn't mention in their presentation)
status quo 2006 act (with all its muck ups to the constitutional order and clumsiness on federal relations)
Parity with Scotland

Part III will follow on the election presentation

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