Wednesday, October 25, 2006
"Conservatives are now cool"
I have just come across an article about CF in the Telegraph which is definately worth a read. The author discusses how the image of the Tories has completely changed under Cameron, particularly appealing to the under 30s. Furthermore, a little fact is mentioned, which you may find interesting; it certainly brought a smile to my face:
"Today it [CF] has more than 15,000 [members], making it bigger than the youth arms of Labour and the Liberal Democrats combined"
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Interesting post. Every time I hear criticism of Cameron from within our own party, I remember the Fresher Fair last year before he was elected and how hard it was to get the numbers we signed up. Contrast that with after Christmas with Cameron as leader, I think we received the second highest number of new members of all sports and societies.
It is hard not to recognise the positive reception of Conservatives under Cameron by the young. I only hope that those Party members who are disgruntled with the direction of the Party realise it soon.
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It is hard not to recognise the positive reception of Conservatives under Cameron by the young. I only hope that those Party members who are disgruntled with the direction of the Party realise it soon.
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