Saturday, November 11, 2006


Freedom Bill

The Liberal Democrats are pushing their idea of a 'Freedom Bill', a great repeal act removing some of Tony Blair's more intolerable piss stains on British liberty - he calls them "laws" - from the statute book. The top ten to be repealed are:

- Restriction of protest rights at Parliament square
- Internal Passport ("ID Cards")
- Ease of extradiction rights to the USA
- Conditions on protest outside public assemblies
- Criminalising Trespass
- Control Orders
- DNA Retention
- 'Public interest' defence for whistleblowing
- Ending the right to silence in court
- Use of hearsay evidence in court

I think this is a great idea, and one which can get bi-partisan support for all lovers of liberty

This idea sounds like a good one to me! I'm amazed the Fib Dems have managed to come up with something so sensible and realistic! heh
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