Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Thanks Guys!

Last night there was an overwhelming turnout at our weekly social where we met Ceredigion Assembly candidate Trefor Jones. You could hardly move in our CF local, "Scholars" as the members kept coming! The night proved very successful and allowing Trefor to meet the team and discuss his strategy for the upcoming elections.

Trefor Jones would like to thank Aber CF members for pledging support for the Ceredigion campaign and that of our regional list members. On a personal note I would like to thank our branch members and to Co-opted Ceredigion executive member Rhodri Francis, for the great turnout last night! You all did the branch proud!

Oh God, what happened to the decent blog design?!
Its that picture of our Dear Leader that does it for you isn't it chris? Hah
The change in image of the party meant majority of CF members in aber wanted a new design - democracy! is there anythign you think we can improve on let me know at
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