Monday, January 29, 2007


Menai Crossing further thoughts

Have been on Welsh Highland Railway website after Ben Hallets posting on the Blog.

The route from the Centre of Caern to Dinas could be taken over by National rail if the line was solely going to Caernavaon. However this would defeat the object of the route which is to link both sides of the Menai anbd compromise a world heritage area near the Castle, hence my earlier post re Waterloo Port and skirting round behind the town.

Instead the line would take over the cycle way and skirt roundto wards Pwllheli. or take over the FFestiniog branch from Llandudno and Widen the Ffestiniog - Cambrian Narrow gauge railway. The former is a better optio given the latters prone nature to collapse along stretches by the river in the valley in which it runs.

The narrow line required could be compulsory purchased at full market value (which would fit the EU funding coirruption normality in other countries, after all the Kinnocks are still in charge, lol). and the equipment and rolling stock transferred to another line which could be extended (such as the one near Cadair Idris.

Combined with Carm -Lampeter, depot and trunback at Caersws, passing loops and triangle junction at Dovey to include a Car Park for visitors to the Bird watching area, passing loop and station at Ynslas to open up the Dunes for conservation visitors and school parties and tyo clean up its reputation amongst the 'dogging' fraternity (in Hillingdon the car parks they frequent have recently been gated by the council to prevent it happenning)

Further a line could be constructed from Caersws or Newton to the Heart of Wales Line to allow Freight trains to run from South to North Wales. In london the GLA is looking at upgrading and electrifying a rail line fro that purpose of a similar length from Gospel Oak to Barking and the net effect of that is also increased passenger trains. This idea stems back to the Stephenson era and the Stockton and Darlington railway.

Add to that plans to lengthen trains on the Welsh lines, and the Wrexham _ Shrewsbury Rail link to London Marylebone now that the evergreen imporovement works have been carried out (extra two platforms at the London terminus and and a depot at Wembley Stadium.

However the big question is how on earth this would be paid for?

Here we go to the heart of the problem with the 1997 settlement, namely the lack of a Transport Wales body equal in powers to TfL and the recently formed Transport Scotland, with the ability at Board level to set its own fares and set road tolls / Congestion charging. Further the lack of primary domestic law making powers by the assembly as occurs in scotland and (fingers crossed) Ulster, and the lack of tax varrying and setting powers.

Further there is Objective 1 funding for teh Heart of Wales and Welshpool - Aber line improvemnts, Objective 2 funding for the rest.

Models of implementation:

1) DLR Concessionaire. A transparent tender process advertised in the European Journal, UK and Welsh press (possibly Irish as the location for the Third Menai crossing makes workers coming via Holyhead a distinct practical possibility, with the precedent of the building of the Hydro plant up the Rheidol valley), with it being replicated for each project. The line would be owned by the company who built it, and the Govt would Hire pruchase buy it back over a given time period (modelled on what occurred with the Dartford River crossings, and what will probably occur with the Thames Gateway river bridge). Given that a lot of what I have written about is in the historic Yr Fro Cymraeg, ie the Prinicpality of Wales, this may be modified to that the infrastructure is Hp'd back as the land may be owned by the Principality of Wales estates, if not the successor to British Rail estates (See vale of rheidol railway for case precedent and its transfer of ownership dispute in the 1980s, a case study in avoiding problems before they occur in public relations management, that the Assembly with its Democratic mandate can achieve)


I hope that you and you're ridiculous ideas are never brought to the fore. To ruin some of this country's heritage in the way you describe would be heresy! The ffestiniog railway is the oldest independent railway in the world and I can tell you now there would be huge protest if any such plan was to come to pass. Take your crazy ideas elsewhere please.
read it properly then I outlined (indirectly) three options:

1) Compulsory Purchase of Ffestiniog and widening to link up with the line from Ffestiniog to LLandudno(which is prone to problems of erosion by its river, as reported on BBC Wales Online)

2) Compulsory Purchase of Welsh Highland Railwayin places and widening to reach a point East of Pwlheli and North of Barmouth

3)A line from nearer Pwlheli to Caernavon and onto Bangor or a third Menai Crossing at point

4)as Three but a longer road rail bridge on the West side of Caernavon, with perhaps tidal barrage s and wind farms added to meet Wales energy needs post nuclear plant. After all that was a reason for the advocacy of the Second severn crossing in the 1992 election campaign and developed by Cynog Davis in his pamphlet on sustainable economic development (policies which have now translated into a windmill on our own leaders roof)as well as solar panels included in the office developments by Mach station.

My other point in my postings is quite clear that this should be decided by a welsh transport body at the welsh level by the Welsh Assembly /Parliament, so any furore would be taken out at a democratically electable body with strategic oversight over a Welsh rail network (albeit connected to and managed by the UK Network Rail) The line to Ebbw Vale and putting in /back passenger services to Glamorgan (and thus Cardiff Airport) are examples of this that have been achieved with limited funds and within the straightjacket constraints of the Govt of Wales Act 1999.

My point is that this should be decided democratically at which point objections such as yours would be taken in and listened too, rather than the corporatist traits of TfL which is too Inner London centric under Mayor Ken and not thinking of Inter regional services (as I argued on BBC London last Friday, in defence against the blight of a third runway at Heathrow Airport, so I take on board everything you've said about local concerns being paramount; its just a shame that Labour in Westminster aren't doing that as much as yours as for my neck of the woods).

Lastly (hypothetically) such concerns could be offset by not just capital cost for the land and route and buildings, but also relocation and construction costs at other minaturerailway sites with the same Gague. It would require CBA Analysis to not just be mercantile (ie monas of the scheme. As such the problems would etary and looking at it as in the here and now) but also at the SEC (social economic and cultural) costs and benefits of the scheme. I would, if I lived in that area or was employed by Transport Wales, argue that longer minature railways elsewhere could link up parts of Wales throughout the year as currently occurs with Gwynnedd subsidising that line so that people can use it to get from Blaeanau to Barmouth. and that freight along a thru line previously certified for Nuclear containers would recycle the line for a sustainable future and save manufacturing and farming in Wales by better linking it to Ireland

When those are taken into consideration, your objections could be argued against and for and the people of Gwynnedd through their (hopefully proportioinately, as has been nbacked by the Scottish Conservatives) elected AMs, Councillors and County Cllrs could make the necessary representations.

To annonymous, name yourself please, as this is James Ware
Additionally I heard a rumour once when Rag collecting eitherthe Llew ddu or perhaps the Cwps, Though I think it was the LLew (My welsh was better in those days at least in translating what i heard) that the owners of the Ffestiniog decided the Principality of Wales and thus since the Act of Union the throne of England / UK and the Commonwealth.

Now that really would be crazy, almost as much as the Interpol dept being exiles of the monarchy who couldn't supprt it since the death of Diana, but Hey Im a 5/6 and 3 reject. whos the son of a freeman of the City of London had an intersting 'crank' call on the morning of Dianas death on top of the rolling news coverage that day makes me smell that it was a fix up.

Plus we had a callon 9/11 afternoon and on the day of the De Menzes killing. To reiterate my opinion, anyone who organsies an assiassination is unfit yto hold the throne and for me the throne should pass to Prince William, Long live the Queen!

Based on all this and esp the first point surely public democratic ownership of the Ffestiniog might be a better option such that the Welsh parties can get control and decide the throne of England democratically or abolish this anachronism by consent (the monarchy which I think should be curtailed with the abolition of the Privy Council and reform of the Honours System, with possible abplition of teh honourific posts of County Lord Lts who are just snoop dogs fror the crown and against elected represenatatives; However full abolition would require a referenda as part of second chamber reform and a UK constituitional convention and it is that whoich needs to be dealt with and strikes fear into the hearts of Monarchists both within and without the Conservative party) Then again never believe a pub yarn UWA could just as easily contain the next generation of Privy Cllrs biding their time and loyal to HRH Chancellor.
This is complete nonsense! Legally there can be no compulsory purchase of the Ffestiniog Railway or the Welsh Highland as both are protected by their own acts of parliament. Also it is not that simple. The routes of both railways are completely unsuitible for the purphose you have suggested. Also destroying the oldest still working Private Railway Company in the world with the oldest regularly working steam loco in the world is insane, world heritage would be lost.
Welcome to the world of transport planning in the UK and again another example of the problems of the Lack of powers within the welsh democratic settlement.

In arriving at the best option a decent and proper system examines all the options and would put them to the public in the areas affected, eg the precise route of the Docklands Light Railway accross the river to Woolwich Arsenal which is now under construction, and the Beckton - Dagenham Dock extension.

The trouble is that under Labour, this only happens when the scheme is popular such as those examples above. In West London where his crony from the GLC John McDonnell is MP (for the moment) he (KEn) is determined to put in place a tram against the wishes of people in the locality as the roads are too narrow or in the outer reaches the local economy is too dependent on private transport at present.

While with this example I can understand why Ken is doing this and has done this over the past four years as the way his mind works goes like this: offer a seemingly goood idea that makes you look cuddly (West London Tram) but clogs up the system (in this case the traffic system, A4020 and nbeighbouring roads, plus the A4 / M$ and A40 running paralell) so as to stick it to the capitalists (in this case BAA) so that they lobby Central Govt to achieve your objective (Road proicing on the M/ A roads) so as to give you more revenue and power at the Regional level to fund more schemes and interest for your core constituency and backers.

Instead the London Conservatives, in tune with the people along the Tram route and local business are calling for both NO Tram and and No to Heathrow expansion, with London Borough and Local District councils merging resources with the 2M group to stand up against, Noise, fumes and blight created.

This combined with the new green agenda of our Party could produce some innovative policy proposals such as large park and ride car parks on traffic arteries instead of more out of town Shopping centres (eg at the Hillingdon Circus site owned by Ikea and Tesco), and improvements to Rail services (such as the Airtrack line into Heathrow T5) making it easier for people to get to work from further afield in the SW of London and Surrey, and opening up the potential for a dedicated rail link to Gatwick and a new airport on the Kent Coast / Isle of Sheppey to offset the need for a thirdrunway to the NOrth of the A4.

Further another Airport built on the FEns nearthe Wash which is dead land now goiven HoC policy to let it flood over the next forty years as its cost prohibitive to save as Farmland, Linked into a Regional Thameslink 2000 scheme and the North London Line would enable the railways to beintegrated with Air travel far more, and offer the precedence for a tube extension from Hillingdon to Heathrow and from Croxley to Watford Junctin via the Hoornets / Watford FC stadium)in tunnel as part of a world Cup bid (Wembley stadium being on that tube line). Thus enabling us to compete with Paris and amsterdam.

the reason why I've outlined thois here is absolutely vital for the Welsh Conservatives to grasp. You are the REAL PARTY OF WALES, not Plaid Cymru who would lead you back to the economic dark ages and whose grassrots and AMs secretly at times want Labour to be more welsh so that they can join it (literally or as coalition members).

For any form of economic development to occur in a part of Wales not readilly accessible transport needs to be sustained and improved. Lisa Francis AM has done this with the buses and within current lioited powers, but a Road and a rail link from Carmarthen to Lampeter, with the railway perhaps going rouind the Town and up to Tregaron would deliver a sustained tourist and economic link for renewable and locally based industries. The cheese plant might have been saved had it a rail link to a large supplier of milk and faster road lorry time to Cardiff and Swansea supermarkets for example (another possible branch from Lampeter is to the outskirts of Aberaeron, or funding of an extnsion of the steam railway in that valley which is standard gague).

For Wales to prosper it needs two things this May, One the Conservatives as the largest party in the Welsh Assembly or the lead in a coalition, and 2) As a result of this shifting away and increasing precious EU one time only for old industiries remnants funding from support groups into infrastructure. That requires vision and that requires the Conservatives to finally embrace the idea of full national status for Wales, and the dignity of Equality with Scotland within the Union.

The difference between Heathrow and Holyhead however is that only one route of Rail link would be needed and based on Bens splendid arguing, I modify my position to building the bridge to the West of Caernavon or the direct route at Waterloo Port round the back of the town and then following the route of teh cycle path to pwllheliif a compromise with either of the minature railways, partic the BF one can't be reached (such as mixed gague trackbeds being installed and minature rail running continuing on weekends throughout the year and more days per week during the summer.

However this does not change my view that the final route if this was to become a policy committment of any political party should be determined through an open consultation and debate and not in the typical methods of Labour in Wales, London or Westminster.
Additionally re the cheese plant, such a dairy bottling plant exists oin the route of the Wrexham London line in South Ruislip. the trouble is that the business plan on which the plant was based looked for exclusively Welsh .

I will investigate both and draw up a summary posting on this blog as my last one.
plant as in the one in Felinfach only being supplied by local produce
Have just phoned Express Dairies / Dairycrest in Uxbridge on number 01895 233 470 obtained from 188500 (as opposed to my usual usage of 118118 when down ill from college in the past from laNDLINE 0208 866 2321 AT 2 sT PETERS cLOSE eASTCOTE).


However it has a multistorey car park which could be bought by TfL for usage by commuters to the nereby station as aorkway for the west Midlands and for Forces post office staff relocating and commuting fro mIll Hills surrounds should they not wish to be seen on CCTV (though don't believe this local bs as its been given by many locally since the Krogers time). My point is that its Milk equipemnt and bottling could go into the factory at Felinfach if they have not alreaDY BEEN PURCHASED.

anothyer option may be Sidhu Dairies plant in Southall for a possible link up. esp if Carm - Lampeter became part of the economic devfelopment scheme and the link to a S Welsh port or Holyhead to create a rail production line from West of Ireland to our urban centres.

Another option might be linking the site to Felinfach so so that it becomes a Forces cadets / Urdd Mountasin training centre with indoor climbing walls, perhaps jointly fundied by UWA UWL and U Wales, if the idea of some form of renewable industry in the area is deemed unviable economically. Such a centre in the summer months could be linked to the leisure insustries. It could turn the Aeron valley into a Heritage and leisure development area with an extension or relocation of the steam railway (standard gague) into it to link the County town, cultural centre and Uni town Lampeter.
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