Tuesday, January 02, 2007
War on Tobacco continues

The puritanical brown shirts goose-step on with a promised raising of the minimum legal age for buying cigarettes from 16 to 18. This comes when the smoking ban in enclosed public places comes into force in Wales in April, and renewed lecturing and nannying to look forward to in the new year in the form of some of the most stupid, asinine, ignoramus advertising yet witnessed on national television.
In response Libertarian Alliance Director Sean Gabb issued the following statement (highly recommended for a read - I agree with everything wholeheartedly) This is a discriminatory action, given the whole host of far worst things one can still do at 16 and younger. It seems this government simply doesn't "get" liberty, because it is not something only for the majority, or only for things of which one approves, or only for those who are flavour of month, or only to be upheld when it is the whim of important special interests. It is for all hobbies and interests, even one as pleasurable and delightfully contrarian as smoking