Saturday, February 24, 2007
Welsh Conservative Future Dinner 2007
Many thanks to all those members who attended the Welsh Conservative Future Annual Dinner 2007 with Justine Greening MP (vice chair of the Conservative Party responsibility for youth).
I have to admit the night was outstanding with 5 members of the Welsh Board in attendance inluding Welsh Party Chairman Lyndon Jones, as well as assembly candidates, representatives from Ceredigion and Merionnydd Dwyfor and not to forget Mark Clarke the UK Chairman for CF!! I was overwhelmed by the support that the event had received from across Wales.
As a branch Aberystwyth CF succeeded in holding one of the largest CF events in Wales and it was great to see such a tremendous young turnout.
*on a lighter note our Mid & West Wales Area Chairman Richard Minshull was the closest he's been to having a joint CF and young farmers event, they certainly enjoy their parties and it was interesting to see an opposition candidate from North Wales at what was a very young farmers event in the next room!