Thursday, April 12, 2007
Des Browne must quit now

So many precious British armed forces lives have been lost around the globe for little money in compensation. Many more have been injured. One story in recent memory stands out. A soldier called Jamie Cooper who has captured the hearts of Bristol football fans. Jamie aged 18, is the youngest serviceman to be injured in Iraq. On his return to the UK for a shrapnel injury he caught MRSA. Stories of his treatment at Selly Oak, have illustrated the disgraces with how we treat our brave boys and girls in the armed services. One such example is how he was left to lie in his own faeces after his colostomy bag overflowed. Jamie Cooper now relies upon a wheelchair to get around but is thankfully recovering. This is a man who has shown incredible bravery and yet received terrible treatment and no recompense in return.
Des Browne and the other Labour cronies think its fine to fob off cases such as Jamie's and instead allow people like Faye Turney to earn more than most soldiers earn in six or seven years. I have had reservations as to what to think about the treatment that the captives received. But despite these was relieved when they came home. They should have been given any support and rest as necessary and then returned to duty. In my opinions those who decided to take the money should no longer have a position to return to. They have shown a total lack of respect for those who faced real and prolonged torture, those who are facing it through illness and injuries and those who no longer feel anything due to their lives being lost. I have lost any sympathy for Turney and her rogue bandits but most of all for Des Browne who allowed them to become enticed by greed.
There is only one course of action, Des Browne’s head rolls and so do those who took the money and not given it to charity. Lets not forget that this decision is not something that can be hidden underneath the carpet. Rather will the Iranian government and public be so “forgiving” next time they capture UK personnel after the way we have paraded our troops in the media? I suggest not and we have given the Iranian government every reason and support they need to put any other captives through even worse treatment. I pray that this is not the legacy of Des Browne and his disrespectful sailor’s actions.