Thursday, May 24, 2007


Lib Dems: Proportional Representation Hypocrites

For a party that for so long has argued for the introduction of PR across the UK the Lib Dems seem unable to deal with its consequences which in most circumstances produce hung parliaments and thus require the need for coalition governments. It is an example of the Lib Dems hyprocrisy and confusion about their parties direction, that a small party like the Lib Dems do not seek to form a coalition with either Labour or Plaid and Tories, a coalition would allow them to have cabinet seats and influence government. However they have shown by today's actions that as a party they are not capable of taking tough decisions which it take to govern. As a party with only 6 Welsh assembly seats and 62 Westminster seats (mostly marginal seats which we look likely to win of them in the next general election) the Lib Dems will never be able to muster a majority and govern alone, and given an opportunity to govern they have blown it. It seems likely at the next general election the Lib Dems will lose seats to us (eg Richmond upon Thames etc) and fade away after years of growth.

Yes well lets look at PR across te water tonit in Ireland and see wat appens wot teelection tere. Te 26 counties miy alter a bit dependin on te result but also note tat te investment proposed into transport policy is vital and could brin benefits to bot N and S Wales as well as te West Of Ulster. Te extra Rail friet cpould justify wat I arued for Re a olyead to Pwllelli freit line

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